
Showing posts from March, 2021

Britney's blog

Britney Perozo/ Group 1 Professor Sherry Sinkoff- SPC 1017-5954 Intro: When we started this second project all I can think of was that I was still going to mess up on my part of the presentation. I have always disliked presenting in front of people because I feel like I'm being judged when I speak since when I'm nervous I talk to fast. Even though I'm still nervous I did the best I could when presenting and gave it all my effort.  <3 Racism : So first off of as Group# 1 as it is my own group we had a lot of time for our project and I think we used our time wisely when we working on the agenda and the presentation. Though the agenda did some time because we all had to write our topics and also explain what we will be talking about. Honestly I think we did a really good job on this presentation about racism. Working with my group is always very smooth because we always layout what we are doing and going to talk about first.  <3 Health Care/ Pandemic: Group# 2 did a real

Alison’s blog

 Alison Torrez/ group 1                                                                                    Reflection  During the presentation I got to learn more about some important topics that we are currently experiencing like education, racism, health care/ pandemic. This past year when the pandemic started our lives changed drastically having to stay at home that at first when we didn’t understand the gravity of the circumstances, and all was like vacation. we got time off school. Then people started dying and getting sick, I was scared for my grandparents since they were more vulnerable.    Group 1 racism: We were group one but also the last group to present. We got more time than anybody and the one that took the longest presenting with a total of 4 days to finish our presentation. We talked about one of the problems that has been around since a long time ago and how during the pandemic this movement grew with Black Lives Matter a social movement that fight against police bruta

Brianna's Blog

BRIANNA'S BLOG/ THOUGHTS ON THE PRESENTATION: INTRO: I think I can speak for most of us when I say that we all were pretty nervous for this assignment, considering how important our topics were.  That being said, it can be pretty nerve wracking, making sure we are providing enough information to do our topic justice. I've seen some wonderful presentation within the last few weeks and would love to share my thoughts on my classmate’s presentations… PANDEMIC: In my opinion, Group 3's presentation was very thorough and they did a very good job of explaining their topic. They went into detail on the very serious issues of the pandemic and provided several visuals to support their statements. I really enjoyed this presentation and think they did an incredible job. EDUCATION: Group 2 presented the topic of education.  I really enjoyed Group 2's presentation! I found that it was very well researched, and they used a lot of examples throughout their speech, in order to make the

Arturo Bada's Blog

  My thoughts on each presentation is relatively the same for each group, I believe each group presented their topics in a perfect and easy to understand way. They gave detailed information regarding each of their topics. Groups were assigned their own major topics. My group was selected to talk about "Racism". I personally believe we did a great job presenting, each of our slides were professional and presented the viewers with a decent amount of pictures and facts. I talked about the Civil Rights Movement and how it changed the life of so many people and how it changed the landscape of the United States. I talked about topics along the lines of Brown vs Board of Education, The Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Martin Luther King Jr. Speeches. Overall, our presentation talked about the history of racism in the past and in our present day in America. Our group showed interesting and informative videos that I believe captivated the attention of the class. Although, our group s

Alex's Blog

THOUGHTS ON THE PRESENTATIONS: Education: Group 3 did fantastic throughout their presentation and in my opinion did the best. As a result of going first they set the standard for everyone and I am sure everyone was somewhat inspired by their slideshow. One of my favorite points was when they brought up the Kahoot game to have all the viewers interact and show off what they learned from the presentation. Pandemic: Group 2’s presentation was nothing less than great, thoroughly explaining each topic at hand, explaining vocabulary to help us understand better. They did a fantastic job helping educate us more on their topic Racism: As a member of group 1 I may be particularly biased but I loved our presentation. Since I know first hand the work that went into it I appreciate it very much. We tried out best to explain the history behind racism and tied it in to current day issues within our society. It truly was a group effort, when someone needed help someone was always there. Like group 1

Camila's Reflection

  Every time I am close to the date of a project presentation, I get very nervous by the thought of having to present in front of an entire class. Lately I have been feeling less nervous or scared of presenting in Professor Sherri’s class just because I feel very comfortable. Professor Sherri is very cheerful, and my classmates are very respectful and are constantly helping each other. In group one, which was the one I was in, we talked about racism and we focused on the history side. We talked about different organizations that practice racism, influential leaders in the civil rights movement… In order for us to organize the team, we created a group chat. Once each of us knew what to do, a person created a power point and named all slides in order, that way everyone knew where to place their information. When the day of the presentation came, we had some technical issues, but that did not stop us from presenting. I really liked the topic we got because it not only gave us the chance t

Amalimar Ferreira - Reflection on presentations

Amalimar Ferreira Group 1  SPC 1017                            ðŸ’—          Reflections on Group presentations      💗                      To start off, I thought everyone's presentation was amazing. I learned a lot from each group's theme and it made me realize the many issues we have around this country and the world as well. In this project, we talked about racism, education and the pandemic. These were topics that everyone should be informed about and I can tell each group got together to make informational presentations for the class. I knew by the end of all the presentations, I was going to know a lot more than before.   💟 Group 1       My group did not disappoint me at all and I hope the professor as well. Although, I was very nervous about presenting, especially about such a serious topic, I ended up doing better than I thought. My group had many ideas on what to write down and who was going to do what. We used the agenda and helped our group leader with everything th

Antony Perez-Presentations Thoughts/Reflections

 Group #1 SPC 1017-5954 Antony Perez Thoughts on Group #1, #2, and #3 Presentations on Racism, Education, and the Pandemic     W e began these amazing presentations from each group I saw the significant subjects we were being given. From racism to education and then to the pandemic/medical  have all been a major piece of numerous people lives as of late and its fundamental for us to see what it means for us all of us. Many of us think that its difficult to think often about these subjects when were in the midst of this lockdown which is getting better as time progresses. Everybody continually attempts to disregard the issues when we're managing our own and try to help it make a better place for everyone and everybody. Despite the fact that we can't see these issues on occasion they are still happening. Right up 'til the present time, there's still people who don't care enough to wear their masks to prevent COVID-19, individuals who carry out scorn violations agains

Agustin Sosa - Presentation Thoughts

  Group 1 SPC 1017-2213-5954 Agustin Sosa Reflection on Groups 1, 2, & 3 Presentations on Racism, Education, and the Pandemic     As we started these presentations I noticed the important topics we were being handed. Racism, education, and the pandemic have all been a big part of many peoples lives recently and its essential for us to understand how it impacts us all. Most people find it hard to care about these topics when were amidst a pandemic. Everyone constantly tries to forget about the worlds problems when we're dealing with our own. However, even though we can't see these problems at times they are still issues that occur. To this day, there's people who refuse to wear masks, people who commit hate crimes against minorities, and there's definitely still people who have a hard time trying to continue an education while still staying safe from this virus. Going into these presentations I knew a lot of us, including me, would have a lot to learn. Group 1 (Racis

Alfredo's Reflection on the presentations

Group 1 SPC 1017 5945 Reflection on the Theme Projects    Intro: I never did focus on a portion of the distinctive world themes that we as the general public are continually examining about every day. A few things expressed in this venture are; Education, Racism, and the whole Pandemic/Health Care circumstance, which again, was never properly shown or discussed withe me. I generally have that mentality of "if it doesn't have to involve me, then why should I care", and that may be a bit of a stretch considering our current events taking place right now, but it's how I truly feel about things. Maybe some of these presentations will enlighten me in some areas of the world and truly open my eyes about important subjects. Racism: My group was well informed about the different aspects revolving Racism. It showed me how cruel people can be towards others races and cultures for no apparent reason at all. Things like how they can live differently, how they dress, music, etc,