Agustin Sosa - Presentation Thoughts

 Group 1

SPC 1017-2213-5954

Agustin Sosa

Reflection on Groups 1, 2, & 3 Presentations on Racism, Education, and the Pandemic

    As we started these presentations I noticed the important topics we were being handed. Racism, education, and the pandemic have all been a big part of many peoples lives recently and its essential for us to understand how it impacts us all. Most people find it hard to care about these topics when were amidst a pandemic. Everyone constantly tries to forget about the worlds problems when we're dealing with our own. However, even though we can't see these problems at times they are still issues that occur. To this day, there's people who refuse to wear masks, people who commit hate crimes against minorities, and there's definitely still people who have a hard time trying to continue an education while still staying safe from this virus. Going into these presentations I knew a lot of us, including me, would have a lot to learn.

Group 1 (Racism) Presentation Thoughts:

    Starting the presentation I was a bit anxious due to how important and impactful our topic is. Racism is still a terrible and consistent problem that happens in our society and it was important to make sure everything we said was 100% correct and would not offend anyone. However, our group did a fantastic job at informing each other of the problems that occur with racism. We got together and spoke of the different current events, legislatures, and protests that made an impact on racism in the past and in the present. We were able to make a chronological order of all the events of racism throughout history in our country in order to make sure we were not missing out on any important information. Things such as when slavery first started, the civil war, segregation, civil rights movements, integrations, all the way to the present where problems like police brutality still remain. Everyone did a great job presenting the information needed to be said. However, we did need to work on the time. For certain moments we did end up taking longer than expects but I believe it was just because we wanted to be as accurate and detailed as possible when talking about such a sensitive topic. We also unfortunately experienced some technical difficulties which cut even more time off for other presenters. Overall though, there was some great moments. There was wonderful and informative videos accompanied by the beautiful imagery within our presentations. While also making sure we didn't read off a paper to make it sound more engaging. We did our best and for the most part I can say, we succeeded.

Group 2 (Pandemic & Healthcare Backgrounds) Presentation Thoughts:

Group 2 had one of the most informative topics by far. Being able to teach everyone about the pandemic and how the virus affects us and others is one of the most crucial parts to possibly ending it. Many people nowadays have become uninformed or misled into thinking that wearing a mask won't work or that the pandemic has a high mortality rate and won't kill many. However, that is far from the truth. Half a million people have currently died from COVID-19 in our country and millions worldwide. In order to spread the disease we need to make sure everyone understands and respects the guidelines in place to protect others. Having this presentation is a great way to inform students from our class about the problems of this pandemic. This group went over the statistics, guidelines, rules, and even things we can learn from past pandemics to inform us on this current one. They had a great use of resources by including various videos of how fast the virus has spread, where its come from, what makes it spread so easily and so much more. I was very impressed with how well this group did.

Group 3 (Education) Presentation Thoughts:

Group 3 had one of the most relatable topics to many of us students. They went over how schools and education was affected due to the pandemic. Other than working, maintaining an education online has been rather difficult for many students. Many of us are used to going inside a school and talking to others face to face and it's been quite the adjustment trying to get used to this new learning style. However, some of us have grown to like it, like me! Although, the option for us to take some in-person classes are available most of us have people at home who are at risk of catching the virus. Family like grandparents, parents, or siblings all run the risk of getting infected and possibly even having it become fatal. So for the purpose of safety we all chose to stay home. This group had a great presentation discussing the differences in education today compared to how it was back in march when the virus had barely spread. Things have drastically changed and I doubt any of us would've thought we'd never see the inside of a school for a whole year. They explained how education has not only been different to us but to other countries, how we plan to go back to schools and recover once the pandemic ends, and even had an interview with a fellow student to explain how we feel about having education online. This group was by far the most engaging and entertaining. From using Kahoot in order to entertain us, to even interviewing and creating creative videos about the topic, it was safe to say many of us had some fun watching this presentation. 


Overall, everyone did a great job at informing us of this very delicate and important topics. We have definitely improved since our last presentations which makes me look forward to seeing how well we do in our next one. 


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