Alfredo's Reflection on the presentations

Group 1
SPC 1017

Reflection on the Theme Projects



I never did focus on a portion of the distinctive world themes that we as the general public are continually examining about every day. A few things expressed in this venture are; Education, Racism, and the whole Pandemic/Health Care circumstance, which again, was never properly shown or discussed withe me. I generally have that mentality of "if it doesn't have to involve me, then why should I care", and that may be a bit of a stretch considering our current events taking place right now, but it's how I truly feel about things. Maybe some of these presentations will enlighten me in some areas of the world and truly open my eyes about important subjects.


My group was well informed about the different aspects revolving Racism. It showed me how cruel people can be towards others races and cultures for no apparent reason at all. Things like how they can live differently, how they dress, music, etc, are all factors to take in consideration on why people hate them as much as they do. In my case, I had to present the social side of things when coming into this Presentation. I actually never knew that Asians were so heavily blamed for "bringing and spreading COVID-19 around the world." Shows how much Racial Discrimination is still being held around today with things such as that and BLM.

Health Care/Pandemic:

In the topic of Group 2's presentation, they really demonstrated the grasp of the situation we're in when talking about COVID and the current state of the Health Care system. Everyone thought that this would be just a tiny virus just spreading around that we should be careful for, and that we were bound for some vacation days off in our jobs and schools. Turns out that wasn't the case. It changed the ways of how we lived our lives (for now) and has made us incorporate very important things when being out in the public. Things such as social distancing, having a mask whenever you go outside of your home, remembering to wash your hands with sanitizer often, etc. They made sure to cover every singe detail with statistics, visual graphs and videos to demonstrate, and even applying some of their own personal settings into the mix. Overall, a good job from this group for educating me on how big of a problem we have on our hands with COVID.


And finally, we have Group 3 with Education. As much as I hate (and probably many other hate school), there is no reason why we shouldn't care about our current status with the Education system currently. This goes back into the Worldwide Pandemic with COVID and how it has changed everything, even with Education. Now, classes have to be more reliant on a Virtual Teaching space because schools don't want to risk their students or staff coming into unknown contact with the virus. This has led to Grade School now having their students stay at home and work on their studies from inside their computer. In my own personal opinion, this is honestly super heartbreaking because now, students won't be able to get that same experience as getting taught face-to-face in a class. Everything listed here (and more) is what Group 3 has presented to us all, and it was done in a really good, informative manner.


I didn't expect the worst in the classes presentations, because I already knew that everyone is trying their hardest in this class. You might not see it in some people, but you have to consider the fact that we're all in college, trying to work towards our major to have a better chance of living in the future, and that's the most important part. Everyone did a great job in their assigned parts and I hope we can top off our past presentations with this last one we're going to be working on soon.


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